“Look at the Moon:” Ky’s Airplane Thoughts 2022

“Look at the moon!” such a famous line out of my mouth. Welcome to my new series: Ky’s Airplane Thoughts.

I am notorious for having a lot of time on my flight to reflect, possibly overthink lol; or I end up experiencing something that I would love to share with others. This is what I get for not being able to sleep on the plane.

With this being my first article, I really want to share a special moment with all of you.

The Prologue to Me

Let this be forever known: I am terrible at sleeping in a plane, no matter how tired I am. I have a hard time. Also, I am a serious hopeless romantic when it comes to the moon. Any phase that she is in, no matter the weather or time, I am always heart eyes. Two random facts about me.

Anyways, during my first international trip to Vancouver since COVID shut everything down; I took a red-eye flight. Upon take off, I was able to watch the moon rise and set in its waning gibbous form. It warmed my heart because this was my first trip since I was in Australia and it was a trip I took to remind myself how much I enjoyed time on my own.

Well, my airplane thought on my recent trip to London was another “look at the moon” moment.

Chapter 1: Look at the Moon!

Another thing about me is that I choose the window seat because I do not want to have to move for people who need to use the bathroom. Plus, I rather lean up against the window or look outside the window when I can have my shade up.

With our flight leaving SF at 5:00pm I left my shade up for most of the flight and let me tell you how rewarding that was. Seven hours in I just so happened to glance out the window from my movie. I saw this weird glow that lead me to double take and I realized it was the moon starting to rise under the clouds.

Moon rises above the clouds as I watch from the airplane window

Look at the moon: it was the last hours of the full moon in Sagittarius. Which is ironic, because the moon in Sagittarius normally correlates with adventure and travel.

Full moon in cotton candy skies as we head over to London in the early morning time.

For the next hour I watched the moon rise and stay in the sky. Then the sun started to rise as we got closer to London which lead to your cotton candy morning skies with the moon.

It wa such a sight to see before we have to close our window shades for the rest of the flight.

Reflection Moment

I have been lucky this year with being able to experience moments like this. I am such a moon child and I do love astronomy, that this event just meant a lot. All my close friends and family will call, text, or send me pictures and videos of the moon. Just look at the moon… I am that girl.

Natural phenomenons that just happen and knowing I get to experience it while It happens. Talk about being in the present because these are memories that you just can’t plan. Which stay tuned for my next article on what else I have experienced!

2022 so far has been nothing but lessons. Learning, healing, growing and being rewarded for staying in the present, but also knowing I am building my future, I have learned a lot this year and will continue to grow with all my years to come.

Kisses, Ky

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